@article{oai:asahi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013861, author = {庄司, 直人 and Shoji, Naoto and 砂川, 宝樹}, issue = {2022-03}, journal = {2022-03}, month = {2022-03, 2022-04-28}, note = {Protecting sports integrity has become a very important theme in the sports domain in recent times. This study aimed to examine whether the instructor's stroke affects the achievement motive of college volleyball players. The research design was a cross-sectional study. The participants were 33 experienced college volleyball players. Data collection was conducted through a web-based survey. The outcome was the achievement motive as a proxy measure of volleyball performance, and the factor was the positive and negative strokes of the coaching they received before high school. The collected data were statistically analyzed ; the analytical model was multiple regression analysis. The results showed that among the different motivations for achievement, the "challenge motive" was predicted by "manifestation strokes", among the positive strokes of past coaches (Adjusted R2=.72, F=81.85, p<.000). Additionally, it was also shown that "others' praise motive" could be predicted to some extent by "manifestation strokes" (Adjusted R2=.30, F=14.67, p=.001). “Enthusiasm motivation” was predicted by both manifestation strokes and physiological distress strokes, with negative strokes having a negative effect (Adjusted R2=.44, F=13.69, p<.000). Among the positive strokes, “Suggestive strokes” had a certain effect on the unique desire motivation (Adjusted R2=.27, F=13.03, p=.001). The results empirically demonstrate that positive strokes have a positive impact on players, and can be used for future coaching in volleyball, for various ages. It also shows that negative strokes, which may be linked to harassment, have a negative impact on players' future motivation toward achievement, which may contribute to demonstrating the significance of pursuing integrity., 10.15090/00013757}, pages = {2022-03--2022-03}, title = {バレーボールにおける指導者のストロークと選手の達成動機}, volume = {2022-03}, year = {} }