@article{oai:asahi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013903, author = {小萱, 康徳 and 岩久, 文彦}, issue = {2003-10-20}, journal = {2003-10-20}, month = {2003-10-20, 2022-05-17}, note = {It is difficult to slam freeze odontoblasts that are surrounded by enamel organ and dental papilla, because they must first be mechanically exposed using a razor blade, which damage the cells. Furthermore, because the area optimally cryo-preserved is less than 10 um below the freezing surface, it is difficult to obtain specimens without mechanical or ice crystal induced damages. In this study, high-pressure freezing which permits cryo-fixation of tissues up to 0.5mm thick, was used to cryo-preserve rat odontoblasts. This method permits optimal cryo-preservation without ice and mechanical cell damage to the entire odontoblast layer. This method produced marked qualitative differences with regard to the mitochondria and various membrane-bounded structures.}, pages = {2003-10-20--2003-10-20}, title = {高圧急速凍結・凍結置換固定したラット象牙芽細胞}, volume = {2003-10-20}, year = {} }