@article{oai:asahi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014226, author = {渡邉, 一弘 and WATANABE, KAZUHIRO and 笠井, 唯克 and KASAI, TADAKATSU and 江原, 雄一 and EHARA, YUICHI and 長縄, 鋼亮 and NAGANAWA, KOUSUKE and 髙橋, 萌 and TAKAHASHI, MOE and 鵜飼, 哲 and UKAI, AKIRA and 安村, 真一 and YASUMURA, SHINICHI and 原田, 尚武 and HARADA, NAOMU and 松下, 貴裕 and MATSUSHITA, TAKAHIRO and 谷口, 裕重 and TANIGUCHI, HIROSHIGE and 岩崎, 理浩 and IWASAKI, TAKAHIRO and 山田, 和人 and YAMADA, KAZUTO and 島村, 佳明 and SHIMAMURA, YOSHIAKI and 村松, 泰徳 and MURAMATSU, YASUNORI}, issue = {2023-02}, journal = {2023-02}, month = {2023-02, 2023-05-09}, note = {顎顔面部の腫脹、圧痛を契機に当科を受診し顎嚢胞と診断され、開窓療法を施行した後に嚢胞の縮小を認め、摘出術により顎骨の形態温存が可能であった2例について報告する。症例1:40歳男性、左側頬部から顎下部の圧痛を主訴に当科を受診した。初診時パノラマエックス線写真より下顎左側智歯を含む広範な顎骨吸収像を呈した。生検の結果、含歯性嚢胞と診断された。病変により下顎管は圧迫・偏位を認めたため、開窓療法を施行した。約1年後、嚢胞と下顎管との分離を認めたため、顎骨嚢胞摘出術・智歯抜歯術施行した。術後の経過より同部の骨形成状態は良好で、現時点にて再発所見は認めていない。症例2:14歳男性、左側頬部の腫脹を母親に指摘され当科を受診した。初診時パノラマエックス線写真より、下顎左側智歯を含む広範な顎骨吸収像を呈した。生検の結果、歯原性角化嚢胞と診断された。病変は下顎枝部全体の広範囲に認められ、多房性を呈したため、開窓療法を施行した。約1年後、概ね縮小傾向を認めたので、顎骨嚢胞摘出術・智歯抜歯術施行した。術後の経過より同部の骨形成状態は良好で、現時点にて再発所見は認めていない。本症例では顎骨の広範囲に及ぶ嚢胞を認めたため、開窓療法により以後の侵襲を低下させ、良好な治癒経過を示した。, We reported two cases of extensive cyst in the mandibular ramus. In both cases, we first used fenestration technique to shrink the cyst and then surgically enucleated them, effectively preserving the morphology of the mandible. Case 1: A 40-year-old male presented to our department with tenderness from the left cheek to the sub-mandibular area. A panoramic radiograph showed extensive resorption of the mandibular bone including the left wisdom tooth. We performed a biopsy and diagnosed this lesion as a dentigerous cyst. The lesion compressed the mandibular canal, causing its diversion; therefore, we first performed fenestration. One year later, after confirming that the mandibular canal was separated from the lesion, we enucleated the cyst and extracted the wisdom tooth. The patient had a good postoperative course showing new bone formation in the surgical site, and no recurrence has been observed. Case 2: A 14-year-old male visited to our department with swelling in the left cheek. A panoramic radiograph showed extensive resorption of the mandible, including the left wisdom tooth. We performed a biopsy and diagnosed this lesion as an odontogenic keratocyst. It was a multilocular cyst and extended into the mandibular ramus; therefore, we first performed fenestration. One year later, after confirming that the lesion was shrinking, we enucleated the cyst and extracted the wisdom tooth. The patient had a good postoperative course showing new bone formation in the surgical site, and no recurrence has been observed. In this case, a decrease in cyst size after fenestration was beneficial for the healing process.}, pages = {2023-02--2023-02}, title = {下顎枝部に広範な顎骨吸収を呈した顎嚢胞に対し形態温存が可能であった治療経験}, volume = {2023-02}, year = {} }