@article{oai:asahi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000177, author = {長谷川, 智哉 and HASEGAWA, TOMOYA and 川木, 晴美 and KAWAKI, HARUMI and 田中, 雅士 and TANAKA, MASASHI and 新谷, 耕平 and SHINTANI, KOHEI and 神谷, 真子 and KAMIYA, MASAKO and 高山, 英次 and TAKAYAMA, EIJI and 近藤, 信夫 and KONDO, NOBUO and 吉田, 隆一 and YOSHIDA, TAKAKAZU and 河野, 哲 and KAWANO, SATOSHI and 土井, 豊 and DOI, YUTAKA}, issue = {3}, journal = {岐阜歯科学会雑誌, The Journal of Gifu Dental Society}, month = {Feb}, note = {In this study, we investigated the affinity of our calcium phosphate cements to dental pulp cells. The cement was mainly composed of α-TCP and Te-CP, prepared by a one-step sintering method and mixed with three different aqueous solutions. Three types of α-TCP/Te-CP cements, each with 1 M or 2 M sodium dihydrogen phosphate, or 1 M citric acid, and calcium hydroxide agent were evaluated. First, dental pulp cells were cultured in a medium containing components leached from the cements, and we found that our all three types of α-TCP /Te-CP cement did not inhibit cell proliferation and showed no significant cytotoxicity compared to the calcium hydroxide cement. In vivo evaluation was then performed using a pulp-exposed animal model. The α-TCP /Te-CP cement prepared with 2M sodium dihydrogen phosphate showed remarkable pulpal tissue affinity. These results suggested that the newly developed α-TCP /Te-CP material could be a promising pulp capping material.}, pages = {109--120}, title = {Biological effects of α-TCP/Te-CP cement as a pulp-capping agent}, volume = {50}, year = {2024} }