@article{oai:asahi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005101, author = {福井, 達真 and FUKUI, TATSUMASA and 多田, 幸恵 and TADA, YUKIE and 淺原, 忠雄 and ASAHARA, TADAO and 浦田, 裕介 and URATA, YUSUKE and 川口, 真美賀 and KAWAGUCHI, MAMIKA and 松岡, なつき and MATSUOKA, NATSUKI and 岩崎, ひとみ and IWASAKI, HITOMI and 真喜屋, 建 and MAKIYA, KEN and 小川, 雅之 and OGAWA, MASAYUKI and 柴田, 俊一 and SHIBATA, SHUNICHI and 藤原, 周 and FUJIWARA, SHUU}, issue = {2010-02-20}, journal = {2010-02-20}, month = {2010-02-20, 2016-08-08}, note = {コーンビームCTは歯や顎骨などの硬組織の描出にすぐれており、空間分解能が高く歯根膜腔、白線、骨梁などの微細構造を鮮明に画像化し、さらに三次元画像が表示でき歯科診療の画像診断に効果がある。今回、コーンビームCTを応用し、パノラマX線写真およびデンタルX線写真との比較を行い、より確実な診断を行った3症例について報告する。 Corn beam computed tomography is an excellent device for visualizing hard tissue and spatial perception. It can provide high quality images of periodontal ligament, lamina dura, trabeculae and microstructures. Moreover, it can display a three-dimensional image and is effective for video diagnosis during dental examination and treatment. This report describes the precise diagnosis of three cases by corn beam computed tomography in which the diagnoses were established by comparison of findings among corn beam computed tomography, panoramic and dental radiography.}, pages = {2010-02-20--2010-02-20}, title = {診査診断にコーンビームCTを利用した症例}, volume = {2010-02-20}, year = {} }