@article{oai:asahi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005314, author = {YAMAOKA, TAKAHIRO and YASUDA, TADASHI and 金山, 圭一 and KANAYAMA, KEIICHI and 北後, 光信 and KITAGO, MITSUNOBU and 木村, 洋子 and KIMURA, YOKO and 竹内, 浩子 and TAKEUCHI, HIROKO and 向井, 景祐 and MUKAI, KEISUKE and MIZUNO, MAO and 瀧谷, 佳晃 and TAKITANI, YOSHIAKI and HASHIMOTO, TAKEHIDE and 渋谷, 俊昭 and SHIBUTANI, TOSHIAKI}, issue = {2017-03}, journal = {2017-03}, month = {2017-03, 2017-05-20}, note = {The goal of periodontal treatment may be recognized regeneration of periodontal tissue. The regeneration is composed cells, growth factors and scaffolds. This study was to evaluate the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) cultured with bone morphgenic protein (BMP) or fibroblast growth factor (FGF). The MSC was cultured with BMP or FGF for up to three weeks. The cultured glass slides were stained for ALP. The area of ALP positive on the glasses was measured. The total area of ALP positive was the highest in BMP group among the groups. In FGF group, the positive area was lower than BMP group, but significantly higher than that in the control group. BMP and FGF can enhance the osteogenic activity for MSC. FGF can be a perdicatble material for periodontal regeneration.}, pages = {2017-03--2017-03}, title = {BMPとFGFによる培養間葉系幹細胞のアルカリフォスファターゼ活性への影響}, volume = {2017-03}, year = {} }