@article{oai:asahi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005401, author = {TSUCHIKURA, AKINA and KAWAGUCHI, CHIHARU and MATSUMURA, YU and YASUDA, TADASHI and 金山, 圭一 and KANAYAMA, KEIICHI and 北後, 光信 and KITAGO, MITSUNOBU and 木村, 洋子 and KIMURA, YOKO and 竹内, 浩子 and TAKEUCHI, HIROKO and 向井, 景祐 and MUKAI, KEISUKE and MIZUNO, MAO and 渋谷, 俊昭 and SHIBUTANI, TOSHIAKI}, issue = {2017-06}, journal = {2017-06}, month = {2017-06, 2017-10-02}, note = {Case: The patient, a 40-year-old female, presented complaining of pus discharge from the lower anterior teeth. Periodontal examination revealed gingival recession, tooth mobility in lower anterior lesion; 21.1% of sites bled on probing, 21.1% of the sites had a periodontal pocket depth 4mm. In particular #32 and #41 exhibited a probing pocket depth of 7mm. There was grade II mobility in #32, and grade I in #41. Based on the clinical and radiographic findings, the patient was diagnosed with localized chronic periodontitis. Clinical procedure and outcome: Periodontal treatment was initiated with mechanical therapy, including systematic scaling and planning of all accessible root surfaces and the introduction of meticulous oral hygiene. After the thorough initial phase of mechanical therapy, the patient was motivated to achieve better plaque control. Flap surgery was performed including the application of enamel matrix protein to limited lesions. Reevaluation revealed decreased sites of bleeding on probing, plaque control and improvement in the probing pocket depth. A postoperative radiograph 12 months later showed significant bone formation. However, the gingiva between the interdental embrasures is shaped irregularly, which requires careful selfcare and professional treatment. The patient was put on regular recall appointments for supportive periodontal therapy. The oral hygiene maintenance and compliance of the patient was excellent, and there were no signs of recurrence of the disease throughout the maintenance period of more than two years. Conclusion: This case suggests that collaboration between the patient and dental professionals can maintain irregular gingival shape conditions.}, pages = {2017-06--2017-06}, title = {重度限局性歯周炎患者にサポーティブペリオドンタルセラピーを行なっている一症例}, volume = {2017-06}, year = {} }