@article{oai:asahi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009795, author = {芝辻, 篤史 and SHIBATSUJI, ATSUSHI and 金山, 圭一 and KANAYAMA, KEIICHI and 向井, 景祐 and MUKAI, KEISUKE and 北後, 光信 and KITAGO, MITSUNOBU and 木村, 洋子 and KIMURA, YOKO and 森永, 啓嗣 and MORINAGA, HIROTSUGU and 竹内, 浩子 and TAKEUCHI, HIROKO and HASEGAWA, TORU and 小足, 周平 and OTARI, SHUHEI and 土井, 豊 and DOI, YUTAKA and 渋谷, 俊昭 and SHIBUTANI, TOSHIAKI}, issue = {2018-07}, journal = {2018-07}, month = {2018-07, 2018-11-08}, note = {Bone apatite contains about 5 to 8% carbonate groups. Sintered carbonate-containing apatite has been proposed as a bone substitute material due to its excellent biocompatibility and bioabsorbability. However, sintering increases crystallization, carbonate ions are lost, and absorbability decreases. Therefore, we examined the transition conditions of carbonate-containing apatite in solution at a temperature close to that of the living body to develop a method to obtain unsintered carbonate-containing apatite. Using dibasic calcium phosphate dihydrate as the starting material, carbonate-containing apatite with continuous pores and more carbonic acid groups than the sintered material could be produced.}, pages = {2018-07--2018-07}, title = {Study of a method to prepare novel carbonate-containing apatite porous bodies}, volume = {2018-07}, year = {} }